How Krill Oil Supplementation Supports Cognitive Function in Seniors
Krill oil is an oil that comes from krill or tiny shrimp-like crustaceans. Krill are plentiful in the world's oceans and this makes them a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for our health because they help to keep inflammation down in our bodies. Inflammation has been linked to many serious conditions including heart disease, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer's disease. Omega-3 fatty acids are also important for brain function and a new study suggests that they may play a role in helping senior citizens with mild cognitive impairment. This is a condition where people have some memory loss but it has not reached the point of being recognized as Alzheimer's disease yet. Mild cognitive impairment often results in very subtle changes in behavior or personality, but sufferers of this disorder still retain insight into their condition. In many ways, mild cognitive impairment shares features with dementia, however, the two disorders differ from one another because they have different underlying causes. Thankfully, at, senior citizens can purchase the Krill Oil DX Supplements and begin to experience the numerous health benefits. Read on to learn more about how krill oil supplementation supports cognitive function in seniors.
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The studies speak for themselves
A new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease shows that omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in Krill Oil supplements at, can help to slow cognitive decline in seniors with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). This is important because more than half of people diagnosed with MCI progress on to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. What makes this study unique is that it investigated the effects of krill oil supplementation on patients who were newly diagnosed with MCI and followed them over a period of 12 months. The scientists measured their cognition at three different points during the follow-up period: 3 months after treatment was initiated, 6 months after treatment began, and 12 months after treatment had begun.
Krill oil supplementation was associated with a significant decrease in the number of errors that patients made during cognitive testing. Krill Oil supplementation also led to overall improvement and stabilization of cognition as well as other symptom measures like mood, sleep disturbance, and quality of life. This study is unique because it includes information on subjects who were newly diagnosed with MCI and that the safety of krill oil supplementation was investigated.
While this new research is promising, it should be noted that more research needs to be done before health care professionals can recommend using Krill Oil Supplements for patients struggling with cognitive decline. Researchers from the National Institutes of Health have found that taking omega-3 supplements from fish oil did not slow down brain atrophy in cognitively normal adults. It is possible that Krill Oil may have a different effect on cognition than Fish Oil has been shown to possess. This means the two types of omega-3 fatty acids might perform differently in terms of brain activity and structure. However, there is the reason for hope as new studies emerge and as researchers seek to better understand how omega-3 supplements affect the brain.
And it's not JUST for seniors either
In addition to this study on krill oil supplementation and cognitive impairment in seniors, there has also been a study published that shows fish oils can benefit cognitive function in teens who have suffered a traumatic experience. Researchers from the University of Oxford recruited 40 young people between 16 and 17 years old who were at least 3 months post-trauma. The scientists assigned half of these participants to receive a daily dose of 1g vitamin C plus 400IU Vitamin E while the other half received 600mg DHA plus 200mg EPA from fish oil supplements every day for 12 weeks. At the end of the intervention period, both groups of young people were assessed on their working memory and attention capabilities with a series of tests.
Surprisingly, the group that received the fish oil supplements showed improved working memory performance while the placebo group did not. Scientists are unsure why this is, but it has been hypothesized that DHA supplementation might have put them back in good stead after being pushed off course by trauma. This study shows that there is hope for those who suffer from cognitive decline as a result of traumatic experiences and other sources.
To learn more about how Krill Oil Supplementation can support cognitive function in seniors, we encourage you to pick up the phone and contact our team at We are here to provide you with answers to your questions and educate you about our quality products.
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