Here at NDX we are a team focused on the people first and the product second. We want to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle by providing you with the products to keep your body going so you can do what you love.

Elana Elena

Founder/President Elena is a wife, mother, acupuncturist, health enthusiast, and business woman with a passion for life. Prior to the founding of NDX in 2008 she took it upon herself to come up with a way to improve the health of her kids and kids around the world through proper nutrition with the aid of vitamins. But how does one get picky kids to take their vitamins? Marry a candy man, of course! Elena was inspired by her husband Ron’s decades of success with gummy candies and an idea was born. Since then, the tasty idea has blossomed into nutritional supplements for kids and adults alike. She has created the most delicious gummy vitamins in the world. Bold statement? You bet. She’s a bold woman.

Ron Ron

Operation-Ron is the fire under this operation that keeps it running. He has a great love for people and will welcome anyone with open arms. He is all about ensuring the health of everyone around him through his products and any other way he can. Haven’t eaten lunch yet? Call Ron! Want to go get a drink? Call Ron! He has an entrepreneurial spirit and several successful businesses to his credit. He began this adventure because “It seemed like a good way to help people feel better, be healthier and give them the nutrients often lacking in the foods they consume – while doing something positive for Mother Earth at the same time.” Having kids of his own (gorgeous 3 and 6 year olds) he is especially passionate about providing products for children that will get them started on the right foot with a healthy lifestyle. Ron has a background in candy so won’t let anything be made that doesn’t taste good.

Dave Dave

Vice President and Chief Scinetific Officer Dave has one true love, the bicycle. When he manages to tear himself away from that beautiful machine he does some work around the office. Dave wants to spread his love for endurance sports with everyone he meets. He’d be happy to take you for a ride. Over the last 20+ years he’s done a thing or two in the fitness industry: personal trainer, gym manager, sports nutritionist, vitamin buyer, manager of multiple sports nutrition stores, sports nutrition sales rep and brand manager, director of education and training for a top franchise sports nutrition chain, freelance fitness writer, partner in a few different nutritional supplement companies, not to mention his formal education which includes multiple certifications and a degree in Exercise and Nutrition from CSU Hayward. Needless to say, he knows a thing or two about science but don’t make him prove it. We don’t like when he gets cranky.

Alex Alex

Science Officer and Formulator Alex takes one part this and two parts that, mixes them together and poof! the product is created. We’d be lost without him or at least productless. Alex brings a strong background of years in the raw materials and manufacturing business. As a formulator, his pet peeve has to do with manufacturers who compromise the integrity of a nutritional formula by using low quality ingredients. His goal is to formulate and manufacture a product that is “supreme”. He’ll bend over backwards to make sure you get the highest quality product possible. Literally. He’s our reigning limbo champion.

Reesa Reesa

Sales and Ambition Our resident overachiever, Reesa is an avid athlete, dancer, actor, singer, writer, director, barista and dreamer. She has been competing in triathlons since she was 9 years old and has recently taken up Ultra Running. She thrives on sunshine and doesn’t like to sit still. Inspiring others to be active and take care of their bodies has become her passion and she uses the products of NDX to do just that. Oh, and in her spare time she’s actually a super hero. Look for her at your next event.

Juan Juan 

Artistic Director/Latin America Sales Manager Juan es brillante. Él hace la magia de cualquier cosa que le ha asigna, pero su mayor talento está en que esta compañia se vea bien. Él también tiene algunas habilidades futbolísticas bajo la manga. Juan jugó fútbol profesionalmente para el equipo de futbol Pumas de la UNAM en México por dos años antes de pasar al equipo del Club Atlas en Guadalajara. El triste fin a su carrera fue cuando sufrio fractura de tibia y perone en un partido campeonato, pero no antes sin haberse presentado en el calenderaio del equipo sin camisa representando al mes de Abril. Ahora el toma Endure DX de NDX.

Jeannie Jeanine

Graphic Artist/Boba Tea Jeanie is the creator of the Gummy Cuties characters and the world in which they exist. She is a tactically trained graphic martial artist and culinary enthusiast. As a result, she is a master of many weapons, languages, and video games, with a specialty in cartoon design and food fights. Jeanine is currently finishing a degree in biochemistry and is planning on creating the next generation of Gummy Cuties vitamins. Princess SiNtiya — Customer Service Princess is exactly that, a Princess. Beautiful and sweet, she is here to help. Stephanie — Customer Service Stephanie is here to lend a helping hand in any way she can and she does it with a smile.NDX